French Exiles

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Past Haunts

Just some links for now, I'll come back later to talk more about Strand.

Strand-on-the-Green Google Map

Monday, March 15, 2010

Did I say something about football?

Oh, well... best to carry on now ;)

Check out Samir Nasri's stunner against Porto:


Red Star is one of the oldest football clubs in France having been founded by Jules Rimet (yes, that Jules Rimet!) at the end of the 19th Century. Up until recently they were based at the fine old Stade Bauer. Of late the club has slipped down the leagues owing mainly to off-field, i.e. financial, problems with things getting so bad that they now play in a Paris feeder league.

One of my life's ambitions is to buy the club and develop it into a real footballing powerhouse - Paris certainly could do with one. Alas, my funds are as yet lacking a few millions but you never know! Besides, I wouldn't have to own the whole thing - just having a hand in restoring the club to its rightful place would be an amazing achievement.

Anyway, back in the real world... You can visit an unofficial fan website here The site looks a little ropey but is regularly maintained, contains a ton of historical info and even has an English language section reflecting the wide fan-base the club enjoys.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Driving Pleasure

Oh, niiicely done!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Music Post

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

St Pancras: More than a Railway Station

Green Room wipe-out

Just for fun.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Music Post

I've always been conflicted over this song & its promo vid. I love it now more than ever, I hope you like it too.

"there you are"

A couple of my household's favourites:

And because it feels like it's going to be a beautiful day:


Ever regretted letting your guard down only to have your trust rammed back down your throat, you know, for old time's sake? I won't be doing it again. This car-crash strewn journey is thankfully about to come to an end.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Have you ever...

Woken in the middle of the night to the crystal-clear realisation that you've been making a complete ASS of yourself? In front of an unexpectedly large audience?! Trust me, it's not as bad as you might think - It's a huge relief, in fact! And when I say an unexpectedly large audience I mean more than one person, which in itself answers a whole bunch of questions that have been gnawing at me. Too many things have happened in too concerted a manner for their occurrence to be pure coincidence... I should have seen that sooner.

Tilting at windmills, tut, tut, I AM A DOOFUS! A 6 year old child I know would have delighted in telling me that.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

new beginnings

Sheesh! It's been some time.

I've tired greatly of the subjects I used to write about - there's little fun to be had in futile activities.

I've fallen out of love with sports but particularly football. And I mean totally out of love. So there won't be much talk on here of Arsenal or anything even remotely related to sports.

Babes? Well, there's always time for babes. I am only human ;)